April 2014 H&S Meeting Minutes

General Nash H&S Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2014

Review of Upcoming Dates:

April 15th - 6th grade pictures and Life touch on that day
22nd Orchestra Concert - 9:30 am at Nash
23rd Orchestra Concert - 7pm
PSSA 29th and May 1st for 4th grade science
May 16th - Literacy night -

It is a Dr. Seuss theme, there will be an art piece as well as writing piece from each student on display.

Elections -
Elections will be held at school during the school day, North Penn has added custodial staff, Mr. Martiello to meet with voting board to discuss logistics, North Penn security to make rounds as well as Towamencin police making rounds of both the school and the school grounds.
Olympic day is June 6th - The date was chosen in part so that Towamencin police can have a presence

Colonial day is May 30th

Treasurer report -
Fundraiser total budgeted 19,800 - 18,908 - There are still a few fundraisers to be conducted

Currently expenses are approximately 25,000 in expenses some have not been dispensed; field trips, mural etc

New Business:

Volunteer lunch
To be held on the 16th, 11:30-1;
Coordinators requested additional money, the funds are to be transferred from Principal fund to cover the $150
Board positions nomination


President - Karen Casey

Vice President - Jenny Platt

Communications - Shannon Snyder

Treasurer - Sue Zima

Controller - Laura Boquist

Secretary - Kelly Greene

Karen Casey and Sue Zima are committee, comprise the nominating comittee

Largely the same - some updating in wording ("Ways and Means" as opposed to fundraising)
Charitable games were specified - association does not support gambling games if the income is more than 5% - these are guidelines from Coordinating Council

Will be voted on next month; copy of the pending by laws can be found on the H&S web page

Open coordinator list -
major coordinators needed - book-fair, spring zing, volunteer coordinator, newsletter, holiday shop, book fairs
Jen McNair to be aide coordinator
Spanish club wants someone to shadow,
Potential fundraiser for next year - dining night out every month - coordinator needed
Mom and dad events - looking for father-daughter dance and mom-son game night or sports night.

Promote co-coordinators for an event

Principal's Report - Mr. Martiello

Music assembly
April 21st Worldwide music - take music from all different parts of the world and talk about how it impacts the pop music of the time
9:30 and 10:30
Playground painting
United states map will be painted - looking into other paining which includes 4square and kickball
Sign up-date -

district is making plans to install; will have more sign lines than the exiting sign, same size, easy to update announcements

Parents concerns
Desire for better communication from orchestra and chorus - Mr. Martiello can work on the digital communication

Closing of Bustard road bridge - concerns for crossing guard across Liberty Bell or police presence

Teacher Representative - Mrs. Crits
Thank you for book wish lists being filled
Have receive 13 applicants for Nash scholarship - will be reviewed
Engineering for kids programing- Greater Philadelphia area, STEM is very big, tech programs for kids is being promoted, afterschool program - parents sign kids up individually, 1-1.5 sessions, school gets 10% - 4-6 week programs, program does the work at the school. Ex. civil engineer - also does afterschool program and summer camps.
Talk about starting a 4 week program for the current school year, he would put together a letter

Mrs. Crits to ask director about a quick class. - Tiffanie will be the contact person - try for Thursday

Coordinator Reports:

Mud Shack

Planning on have a one night for pick-up

6th grade gift are donating microphones and mixer to the school, will be used for the 6th grade class play. Mrs. Landley is going to be given the material. Presentation of the gift may happen before the play.

Coordinating council meeting - next meeting will discuss insurance. H&S may need additional insurance.
Market Day - 15 orders, good month. Can pick up at Nash or schedule your food at another pick-up location.
Adrenal insufficiency - Karen Casey brought in a poster to promote information and increase awaress

Jonathan Cole - former Nash student, in a training mission in Afganistan crash, he was in a coma, just began to eat and talk, mom is trying to create video of old friends and teachers, want to get letters from the kids at school.

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