Safety Procedures
It is important that we all play an active role in our children's safety. Teachers, administrators, parents and students must all be active participants and remain vigilant in the accomplishment of this goal. Planning and preparation will assist all parties in having a positive experience. Please take some time to read the safety procedures below to help us create a safe and nurturing environment for our children.
Entering the Building

All persons wishing to enter the building must enter through the office door at the front of the building. (Door #1) When you arrive, you will see a box to the right of the doors. Please ring the bell by pushing the button. Please stand in front of the box so the office staff can see who is requesting entrance into the building and ask for ID. The office staff may ask you to state your purpose for entering the building. When you have been granted entrance into the building, please go to the office window and sign into the school where you will be asked to give your driver's license or state ID. You will be given a Raptor badge and will need to wear it during your time in the building. You will then be buzzed through a second door which leads to the main lobby. Upon leaving the building, please sign out by leaving your badge in the book at the office.
Picking Up Your Child During the School Day
If you are going to pick your child up during the school day, please send a note with your child in the morning. The latest time that a student can be picked up during the school day is 3:15 from the office. If necessary, you may also call the office before 12 noon. Please do not email these requests to the teacher as they may be busy teaching students and may not be able to address your request. Students will not be released from class until a parent or guardian arrives at the office to pick up the student. A call will be made to the classroom. This is done to optimize your child's instructional time. The office can better meet your needs if they have enough time to relay that information to the proper staff members, so please plan accordingly. If your child is returning to school, please accompany your child into the building to sign them back in.
AM Drop Off
Staff members will be available to assist your child at the drop-off line at 9:00 AM. You may drop off your child at school from 9:00 AM until 9:10 AM at the student drop-off location on the west end of the school by the modular classrooms. Do not drop children off in the bus lanes or have them cross bus and car lanes from the visitor parking spaces to enter the school. This puts the safety of all children, staff members and parents at risk. Children coming to school after 9:10 AM are considered late. If your child is entering the building anytime after 9:10am, a parent/guardian must accompany them into the building to sign them in.
PM Pick Up
Walkers are dismissed from the building at 3:40 PM. We encourage walkers to go straight home and stay in groups as they travel. If your child is a walker, and you are meeting them outside of school to take them home, please park in the basketball courts and utilize the flag pole as the designated meeting place. The west end parking lot is not to be used for picking up students. Traffic at that end of the school day can prohibit the buses from easily and safely entering the bus lane. We also have students crossing the crosswalk at the west end who need to cross safely.
Parking Lot
Whether you are dropping off or picking up, please escort your children at all times through the parking lot.
Please follow the directional arrows on the ground when dropping and picking up students.
Use Of The Playground After School
All families are welcome and encouraged to use the playground once school dismisses. All parents and guardians need to monitor the activity and behavior of their own children. Please encourage your children to play fairly and be respectful to all other children using the playground.